Archive for August 2015

Globile mobile subscriptions had increased to 7.2Bn by 30th June 2015 according to the Ericsson Mobility Report for August.

Growth in subscriptions is currently running at 5% per annum whereas world population (currrently 7.36Bn) grows by around 1%. So soon there will be more mobile subscriptions than people.

Ericsson goes on to point out that the number of mobile subscribers is around 4.9Bn as many subscribers have multiple subscriptions.

Ericsson says that included in the 7.2BN at June 2015 there were:

  • 3.1Bn mobile broadband subscriptions
  • 740M 4G LTE subscriptions
  • 45% of subscribers use a smart phone
  • More than 75% of phone sales (Q2 2105) were smart phones

The report says that mobile data is increasing 55% YoY and is now more than 90% of network traffic – up from 50% in 2010.


Gartner has reported here the 2Q 2015 mobile phone sales.

They say 446 million phones were sold in Q2 with 74% (330 million) being smart phones.

Android continues to lead the smart phone OS share with 82.2% (down from 83.8% from in 2Q 2014). iOS rose to 14.6% and Windows 2.5%.

Samsung remains the largest supplier of mobiles with 19.9% (down from 21.9% a year ago) followed by Apple with 10.8% (up from 8% in 2014).

In Australia Statistica  has the OS share in 2014 as Android 58%, iOS 34%, Windows 6.5%, Other 1.5%.