Archive for March 2016
Research firm Telsyte reported on 15th March that 7.8 million smart phones were sold in Australia in 2015 down 11% YoY.
49% of these were Android devices, 46% iOS and 5% other operating systems.
Telsyte believes that there were 17.6 million smartphone users and 3.5 million non smart phone users in Australia at the end of 2015.
With the lowering cost of smartphones (other than iPhones) and the closure of Telstra and Optus’ GSM networks in December 2016 and April 2017 respectively the rate of people moving to smartphones is likely to increase.
The GSA has announced that global LTE has passed 1 billion of the worlds 7.4 billion subscriptions. GSA say that at the end of 2015 there were 440 networks which were LTE equipped with 116 including the three Australian networks providing carrier aggregation LTE-A service. GSA predicts that by 2020, when it is widely expected that the first 5G networks will launch, that 4G LTE will reach equal subscriptions with the WCDMA/HSPA 3G.
In Australia LTE subscriptions at the end of 2015 at 16.25 million (of the total of 31.7 million) were already more than 3G. The subscriptions by technology data for Australia is shown to the right.
The respected Ericsson Mobility Report for 2015 shows the historic and projected mobile subscriptions by technology.
Ericsson’s recording and projections of subscriptions by type from the same Mobility Report HERE are also interesting.