Archive for February 2017

Smartphone Share Australia IDCInternational Data Corporation’s (IDC) Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, shows 2.93m mobile phones were sold in Australia in the three months to December 2016.

95% or 2.79m of these were smart phones so there is a diminishing market for basic mobiles.

Apple iOS phones represented 55% of the sales while Android phones were 44.6%.

Apple iOS has worldwide market share of around 12% as reported by BMO Capital Markets and its Australian share of 55% is second only to Japan’s.

Kantar Worldpanel Comtech’s latest mobile OS market share of device sold in the 3 months to January 2017 shows for Australia iOS up 1.2% YoY to 42.4%. Android also increased 3.1% to 55.7%.

The report shows that predictably with no new Windows devices coming onto the market its share has tanked leaving OS share as a two horse race.

iOS is traditionally strong in USA, UK, Japan and Australia nearly matching Android sales in these markets. In Europe Kantar shows 22.7% for iOS and 74.3% for Android. China like the world average is more a 17/30 split of iOS to Android.

Windows has experienced a share decline across the board. In Australia Windows dropped from 5.4 to 1.0% in a year a statistic which is repeated in most markets.
