Archive for November 2015

Auroflex TM500 Network Test Mobile Device

Auroflex TM500 Network Test Mobile Device

Mobile data speed braging rights have been lifted a notch with Telstra and Ericsson claiming to have achieved 950Mbps on lab setup LTE(A). To reach this speed they used 100MHz of spectrum (20MHz each in 700, 1800, 2100MHz bands and 40MHz in 2600MHz band). They used 256 QAM modulation and UDP protocol. They managed 843MHz using TCP.

There are no phones or devices available which can reach these speeds and a Cobham Aeroflex TM500 Test Mobile was employed. At present the Telstra 4GX LTE(A) network can deliver up to 450Mbps in some areas to Category 9 phones most notably Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6 Edge+. They also support 600Mbps in some parts of their 4GX network to Netgear Category 11 capable  mobile hotspots.

The LTEA standards provide for a maximum of 100MHz of aggregated spectrum and with UE Category 8 devices with a compatible network using 8X8 MIMO the raw data speed achievable is 2,998.6Mbps so still some room for LTE(A) “world records” even before 5G is realised.