Archive for April 2023

Global Suppliers Association GSA reported in in March 2023 Public Mobile Networks – March Snapshot that 816 operators had launched LTE based service. Of these 352 have launched evolved LTE or LTE Advanced service.

523 operators have invested in networks, tests, pilot or license acquisition for 5G services. Of these 249 have launched commercial 5G services and 40 of these have launched 5G Stand Alone.


GSA Operator Snapshot March 2023 Chart


Marty_CooperAt the Awards Night (GLOMO) at 2023 GSMA’s Mobile World Congress WMC23 in Barcelona 94 year old American Marty Cooper became the first recipient of a GSMA’s GLOMO Lifetime Achievement Award.

Marty lead the team at Motorola which developed the first commercial mobile hand held phone the DynaTAC 8000X in 1983. This followed 10 years of development and improvement in technology from when the first prototypes were demonstrated and after a prototype was used for the first hand held mobile call.

The same AMPS (USA Standard Advanced Mobile Phone System) technology as the DynaTAC used came to Australia in 1987 and similar half brick sized expensive ($4,250) hand helds from Mitsubishi were marketed. Our History Page has more of these early developments.

The world has moved on dramatically in technology and scale with immense impact on society to the point where now there are 8.4 billion SIM connections owned by 5.4 billion unique mobile subscribers according to GSMA Intelligence.